Our Rideshare program is a great way to save gas and money. Sharing a ride with your coworkers is an economical and pleasant way to commute to work. Call us for details.
As a full service transportation agency, Columbia County Public Transportation has vehicles available for commuters who travel to and from work in Columbia, Garfield, and Walla Walla Counties. Commuters receive comfortable, convenient travel in exchange for a monthly fare, which covers the cost of the vehicle’s operation. The more riders you have in your rideshare group, the less it will cost you each month to ride. You, the commuters drive the vehicles provided by Columbia County Public Transportation. Columbia County Public Transportation provides the fuel, maintenance, and insurance.
Ridesharing gives you the opportunity to alleviate all of the wear and tear put on your own vehicle, is much more affordable than driving your own vehicle, can potentially lower your personal insurance costs, and helps cut down on the amount of pollution in the environment by having less vehicles out on the roads. In addition, many agencies have incentive programs that reimburse employees for ridesharing, as well as providing special parking privileges to rideshare vehicles.
If you are interested in the Rideshare Program contact us at 509-382-1647. We will assist in coordinating a rideshare for you, which best fits your needs, putting you with other persons working similar hours as yourself and who work in the same vicinity. WELCOME ABOARD AND HAPPY RIDESHARING!
Current Rideshare Groups in Operation:
Pomeroy to Lower Granite Dam Monday thru Thursday.
Please call our regular office number at 509-382-1647 to inquire about ridesharing.