Code of Conduct

Please do:

  • Pay your fare or tell the driver that you have a pass.
  • Follow the driver’s instructions.
  • Respect others.
  • Be reasonably clean.
  • Use your headphones at a respectable level.
  • Sit back and relax.
  • Fasten your seat belt.

Please don’t:

  • Block the aisles.
  • Eat on the bus.
  • Smoke or use tobacco.
  • Shout or swear.
  • Bring alcohol or drugs on the bus.
  • Carry weapons.
  • Litter on the bus.
  • Bother others.

Suspension of Service:
A rider’s privileges may be suspended for any of the following infractions on any Columbia County Public Transportation vehicle or properties.
• Smoking or carrying a lit pipe, cigar, or cigarette (unless in a designated smoking area). This includes E-Cigarettes and Personal Vaporizers.
• Discarding or dumping litter in places other than the recognized receptacles.
• Consuming alcoholic beverages.
• Loud, raucous, unruly, harmful, or harassing behavior.
• Engaging in other conduct that is inconsistent with the intended purpose of the transit
facility, station, or vehicle. (RCW 9.91.025)

Notification of Policy:
Information regarding CCPT’s ADA policy is available to the public in our brochures, in all CCPT vehicles, in our Dispatch Office, by mail, or email.

Complaint Process:
Columbia County Public Transportation is committed to providing safe, reliable, and accessible transportation options for the community. Columbia County Public Transportation has established a Customer Complaint Policy and customers wishing to file a complaint and/or obtain a COPY of the Customer Complaint Policy may contact Columbia County Public Transportation at (509-382-1647), in person at Columbia County Public Transportation’s administration office located at:
507 Cameron Street,
Dayton, WA 99328

or online at (RCW 46.07b)

Title VI Policy – Civil Rights Act of 1964:
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. Columbia County Public Transportation is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of its transit services on the basis of race, color or national origin, as protected by Title VI in Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Circular 4702.1.A. If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination under Title VI, you may file a complaint. A copy of the full Title VI Policy may be obtained by calling (509) 382-1647, writing to the address below, or sending an email to: The complaint may be filed in writing with Columbia County Public Transportation at the following address:

Columbia County Public Transportation
Title VI Coordinator
507 W Cameron
Dayton, WA 99328

• Monthly Pass Money Due Date:
Pass Money Is Due The 1st of Every Month.  If pass money is not received you will be removed from the schedule and not allowed to board until payment has been received. Once you have made payment, you will be added back to the schedule providing there are still seats available on that bus. If you do not have the money to purchase your pass but still want to ride, you must pay the daily fare to board the bus.  Passes can be paid on the bus to the driver, at our office located at:
507 Cameron Street
Dayton, WA  99328
or by phone at

 • Monthly Voucher Due Date:
If your transportation or monthly pass is going to be paid for via a DSHS or BMAC voucher or any other type of voucher the same rules apply as with those who are paying for their passes.  Please read and follow the section above which details the due date for payment.

• No Shows/Cancellations:
Buses are all overbooked at this time due to the large number of students riding.  Our office is staffed from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. If you need to cancel your ride please call our office at 382-1647 at least one hour before your scheduled pick up time to cancel that ride.  If the office is not staffed go ahead and leave that cancellation on our voice mail, as the drivers check all messages prior to leaving the office.  When you make that cancellation, please acknowledge whether or not you are a cancel for the entire day or just for the morning.  Passengers that no-show in the morning without calling in to the office are automatically assumed a cancel in the afternoon.  We will not turn the bus around for a passenger who no-showed on their morning trip so if you want that return ride to Waitsburg or Dayton it is crucial that you let our office know well in advance.  Additionally if you no-show 3 days in a row you face the possibility of being removed from the schedule permanently and your seat given to someone else.  Once you are removed from the schedule you must call back to the office to get rescheduled.

• Daily Pick Up Times:
When you schedule a standing reservation to ride daily, you are given an approximate pick up time. If you miss your bus on any of the morning runs, the bus cannot be turned around.  You also will not be able to get rescheduled onto a different bus until after 9am as those earlier morning runs are on very tight schedules.  It is suggested that you show up at least 5 minutes early for your bus as the bus will not have time to wait beyond your scheduled time.   We are a demand response service and not fixed route.  This means that our routes/times can change at a moments notice due to add-ons calling in for pick ups after their appointments.  We can almost always guarantee getting people to Walla Walla by their scheduled times, especially when scheduled in advance, however, we cannot always guarantee getting you picked back up to return to Waitsburg and Dayton at a specific time.  We try our best to get everyone picked up as close to their return pick up time as possible but it simply just does not always work out due to the type of service we offer. 

• Daily Pick Up Locations:
Due to the large number of students riding our busses, we have had to make some changes to our pick up and drop off points to help alleviate passengers having to ride around on the busses for extended periods of time.  We have tried to make pick up points in all areas of town so that nobody has to walk too far to meet up with the bus.  Additionally, we do not have time to go outside of the city limits to pick up students.  All students need to make arrangements to get to one of our pick up points by their scheduled time.  We simply do not have time to provide door to door service for all of our student runs.  The same holds true for pick-ups in Walla Walla.  You must catch the bus at one of our regular stops.  Once returning to Waitsburg or Dayton, you will be dropped off at or close to the destination you were picked up at in the morning. The only exception is on our last bus that does not return to town until after 6:00pm.  This last bus will drop off closer to if not at your actual home.

• Inclement Weather/Winter Months:
During inclement weather please prepare to receive  phone call from CCPT office regarding scheduling.  Inclement weather and road conditions to result in an earlier pickup time.  Please call CCPT at 382-1647 for updates.  When you get up and see that there is snow and/or ice on the roads, you must be prepared for the bus to arrive up to 15 minutes prior to your scheduled pick up time.  This does not mean that the bus will arrive early however it does take longer to get around in inclement weather so the busses will leave the garage earlier.  We do not have time to call everyone to let you know that the buses are leaving earlier.  You must be responsible for yourself and realize that due to bad roads the bus may arrive early.