The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law on July 26, 1990. The ADA is a civil rights legislation which requires that persons with disabilities receive transportation services equal to those available on the fixed route service. It is the policy of Columbia County Public Transportation that, when viewed in their entirety, services, programs, facilities, and communications provided by Columbia County Public Transportation, directly or by a contracted service provider, are readily accessible and usable to individuals with disabilities to the maximum extent possible. 49.CFR 37.105
Notification of Policy:
Information regarding CCPT’s ADA policy is available to the public in our brochures, in all CCPT vehicles, in our Dispatch Office and by mail or email.
Approved Equipment:
• “Wheelchair” means a mobility aid belonging to any class of three- or more-wheeled devices, usable indoors or out, designed to be used by individuals with mobility impairments, whether operated manually or powered.
• CCPT is capable of providing service to an occupant and their wheelchair providing the lift and vehicle can physically accommodate them, unless doing so is inconsistent with legitimate safety requirements”
• Walkers should be collapsible and stored so they do not block the aisle, exit doors or exit windows. Non-collapsible walkers will be accepted providing there is space on the vehicle to safely store them.
• Equipment must be in safe working order, with batteries charged, tires inflated, and all parts secure. (49 CFR 37.3)
Mobility Device Brakes:
When occupying a lift or securement area, it is recommended that passengers apply the brakes on their mobility devices; however, they are not required to do so. With power chairs or scooters, it is recommended that the power switch be turned to the “off” position.
Securement Policy:
Operators will use front and rear tie-downs to secure mobility devices. Operators will secure mobility devices at the strongest points of the device. The mobility device will be secured forward facing. Trained operators will be responsible for the securement process. Operators cannot assist riders using power chairs or scooters with the operation of their equipment. Columbia County Public Transportation cannot refuse to transport someone whose mobility device cannot be satisfactorily restrained, provided that mobility device fits within the definition described in Section 3. (49 CFR 37.165) It is Columbia County Public Transportation’s policy that all persons riding in a company vehicle are secured with either a lap belt, shoulder belt or lap/shoulder belt combination.
Portable Oxygen Use:
Individuals with disabilities who use portable oxygen devices are allowed to travel with respirators and properly secured portable oxygen supplies. Oxygen supplies must not obstruct the aisle. (49 CFR 37.167(h))
Personal Care Attendants:
A Personal Care Attendant (PCA) may ride with you at no charge. A PCA is someone who travels with, and helps, a rider who is not able to travel alone. You must provide your own PCA if you need one. Guests and companions may ride with you on Columbia County Public Transportation. Guests and companions must pay regular fare. A companion is anyone who rides with you who is not designated as your PCA. (49 CFR 37 (d))
Service Animals:
A service animal is any guide dog, signal dog, or other animal individually trained to work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. In order to ride Columbia County Public Transportation or enter any Columbia County Public Transportation facility including bus shelters;
• The animal must be on a leash or in a container, remain under control of the owner, and behave appropriately.
• Birds, reptiles, amphibians, rodents, and cats must be kept in an enclosed carrier/container.
• The animal must remain at your feet or on your lap. It may not sit on a vehicle seat and it may not occupy the aisle.
• The animal must not be aggressive toward people or other animals.
(49 CFR 37.167 (d))
• Rider is responsible for any damage or soiling caused by the animal.
Boarding Assistance:
Operators shall position the bus to make boarding and de-boarding as easy as possible for everyone, and minimize the slope of the ramp. Bus operators shall provide assistance to passengers upon request. Passengers with disabilities shall be allowed adequate time to board and disembark the vehicle.
Priority Seating:
Upon request, bus operators shall ask – but not require – passengers to yield priority seating at the front of the bus to seniors and persons with disabilities. Drivers are not required to enforce the priority seating designation beyond making such a request.
Reserved Seating:
Mobility device securement areas on buses are reserved. Passengers using common mobility aids shall be boarded if the securement areas are not otherwise occupied by a mobility device, regardless of the number of passengers on the bus. Bus operators are required to ask passengers sitting in the securement areas to move to other available seats.
Complaint Process:
Columbia County Public Transportation is committed to providing safe, reliable, and accessible transportation options for the community. Columbia County Public Transportation has established a Customer Complaint Policy and customers wishing to file a complaint and/or obtain a copy of the Customer Complaint Policy may contact:
Columbia County Public Transportation at (509-382-1647), or in person at:
Columbia County Public Transportation
507 Cameron Street
Dayton, WA 99328
(RCW 46.07b)
Title VI Policy – Civil Rights Act of 1964:
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. Columbia County Public Transportation is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of its transit services on the basis of race, color or national origin, as protected by Title VI in Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Circular 4702.1.A. If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination under Title VI, you may file a complaint. A copy of the full Title VI Policy may be obtained by calling (509) 382-1647, writing to the address below, sending an email to: info@ccptransit.org, or downloading a copy at this link. The complaint may be filed in writing with Columbia County Public Transportation at the following address:
Columbia County Public Transportation
Title VI Coordinator
507 W Cameron
Dayton, WA 99328