Demand-response transportation (DRT) is a form of shared public transportation in which vehicles alter their routes based on the specific transport reservations made by passengers. DRT does not have fixed routes. Instead, DRT fits to a flexible daily timetable. These routes typically pick-up and drop-off passengers according to their needs (i.e. specific work places, buildings of education, medical facilities, shopping locations). Once a certain number of people have requested a trip reservation, the most efficient departure time will be calculated, and each individual rider given a specific pick-up time at their requested location. Columbia County Public Transportation (CCPT) offers to pick up most* riders within Columbia County at their residential address. CCPT cannot drop-off or pick-up passengers at residential addresses outside of Columbia County, but instead can accept requests for most* all public building locations. To make a reservation, or know a specific dates timetable routes, please reach out to CCPT.
*Please contact CCPT at 509-382-1647 to see if your residential address, or public building location qualifies for a drop-off or pick-up location.